Antidumping & Countervailing Duties
Antidumping Duties (ADD) are duties assessed (on top of regular duties) on certain types of imported merchandise which are sold to purchasers in the United States at a price less than the fair market value. Often, these duties may be multiples higher than the regular duties. Countervailing duties (CVD) are a way to restrict imports in the home market, in situations where a foreign country subsidizes merchandise exported to the U.S. causing the price of the merchandise to be unnaturally low and resulting in an economic “injury” to U.S. industries.
All importers should be aware that determining the precise boundaries of the scope of ADD and CVD duty orders is very difficult. Our firm represents clients before the U.S. regulatory agencies responsible for administering the antidumping and countervailing duty laws. We assist clients affected by ADD and CVD duty orders to determine whether substantial duties apply to their imported goods. Our firm also counsels clients on the market and business implications of potential and existing actions.